Sunday, February 15, 2009

We're HERE!!!

So we just arrived in New Orleans not too long ago. After a much needed shower, all of us are feeling a lot better and are in need of some serious sleep time. The bus ride was harder then I thought. First the unnecessary delay at the border which you've probably read about in Beth's blog was absolutely ridiculous. I felt like a terrorist for a little bit as we all got paroled but then it kind of calmed down (2.5 hours in) when Weems and Ratliff (border guys) were so sweet to us and just tried our best to get us through. The real kicker is that 3 other buses pulled up beside us. They wouldn't have gotten through the border until midnight. Poor UWO kids.
Second, these buses are not really designed for sleeping which makes me, a tall girl, a little uncomfortable. I tossed and turned pres\tty much the whole 20 hours on the bus, but eventually I was knocked out enough to not really care what position I was in. P.S. my arm is a little sore. haha

New Orleans, of what we've seen so far, is interesting... It's a really overcast day, and I haven't seen too many people . It's so wet here. Bogs EVERYWHERE. It looks like a rain forest a bit. We did pass a couple of rebuilt communities that look nice, but there is still alot of damage here. Many sideroads are still closed and ripped up, and we did see a couple of X'ed houses, and other ripped up houses that have spray painted "DO NOT DEMO". I wonder how long those homes will stay until someone comes to claim them.

Billlboard as we entered Louisiana: ""That "Love Thy Neighbour" thing? I meant it. - God""
--- interesting

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